Friday, April 2, 2010

My Guest!

Introducing Stacey, who is the subject of our Diving trip with the sharks tomorrow!  She so very kindly agreed to be a guest blogger!

Take it away Stacey!

When you go to the Carribeian Island on a cruise for a week, who wouldn't go scuba diving? That's when my husband an I got bit, and not by a shark. We knew that this was a sport we wanted to take further. We got our Open Water certification Memorial weekend in 2008.


He is a Master Scuba diver and I am a Rescue Diver, with many other certifications.


I am also certified to go night diving, no that's fun.  You can see more fish, because their sleeping, yes they sleep.  If your careful, you can use your hands to move the water and move the fish upside down, and they don't even know it at first, until you light wakes them up, and off they go, righting themselves. 

(Trumpet Fish)

I'm always up for going diving, as you never know what you are going to see. I have dove many places 2 to 4 times, and I still see different and new stuff.

(Under the Sea)

So when I heard of the chance to dive in a big tank full of sharks, that I know are not super aggressive, I thought, sure, why not.  It'll be a new experience.  My husband has done it at the Mall of America, and he came back in one piece. And what is nice about diving is that you can do it as long as your healthy, age doesn't matter. And it's easy on the body, I'm too old to play intense sports anymore. And it is something my husband and I enjoy doing together.

Thank you so much for sharing your life underwater!

We start our journey to the Shark Tank at 8:30 tomorrow morning!  We plan to come back with all our limbs intact!

-Sam and Stacey-

1 comment:

  1. Love those pictures. Except for the ice diving. No thanks.
