Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Soooo... since I started my work out routine I weighed myself today and since I started I am down a total of 9 pounds!!!!

I am so excited, but I couldn't do it alone, and my bf, who apparently DOES read this (hi honey!) has been a big help he does a lot of the cooking since I'm not entirely comfortable in the kitchen and he tends to eat healthier than I do and its been good for me. Also every fitness or nutrition tip he hears about he always shares it with me :)

Although I did cook last night, chicken with rice and I think I did pretty good I was told it was tastey so yay for me!


Monday, January 24, 2011


Now its been a few weeks since I came full circle to living in the States again. Settling into my new home, in my new city and about to start a new school program. In addition I have FINALLY started a regular workout program since my broken leg is now healed.
2 pounds down this week and I'll keep you updated. Its good for me too, gives me something to write about while I procrastinate in looking for a job :)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Been Away

Sorry I've been away for so long. A 14 hour flight will take a lot out of you. And let me prefice this with saying I am slightly intoxicated and I'm fairly certain my new bf of a week and a half will never read this...
We have been on and off for the last jeez... almost 3 years now. We met in Greece and were together almost a year than we went our separate ways when he was all guy like, meaning selfish and stupid... we've spent the last year trying to get back together and have been face-t0-face for the last week and a half. Its good overall but there are things where we communicate better with while online rather than in person...
But getting to know one another again after 2 years is difficult, and I'm more willing to see it as a fun challenge than he is. I think he likes stress no matter how much he says he doesn't.
Anyway I have hope and faith for the future, but only time will tell!
Now time to get some sleep.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Settling In

Hey all,
Settling into a new place, living with someone has its ups and downs. Figuring out your relationship along the way also has its ups and downs. I'm up for the challenge and look forward to it!
Wish me luck!