Saturday, April 17, 2010


So get this...

5 weeks ago our unit was playing soccer, and me and another co-worker collided at FULL force! (he went down, I did not... love throwing that out there) and immediately my left knee goes numb.

I'm pretty darn tough, so I kept trying to play and it pain got so bad when I got home I fell down and cried! So I decided to go to medical. The doc I saw was NOT the brightest crayon in the box. I tried to explain to her that I have been injured several times and this is like no pain I have ever felt. No x-ray, no second opinion, nothing.

She tells me that its either a severe muscle spasm or ligament damage... hmmmm.... thats a pretty big freakin' gap there!

"If the pain gets worse come back" Gee, thanks lady...

So 5 weeks of constant pain I finally get an appointment (I waited for 1 of 2 docs I am willing to see)

Got an x-ray...

MY LEG IS BROKEN!! Its some "useless bone" which is broken, cool... the pain resinates from my knee, up to my hip and down to my ankle... this one little "useless bone" has cause my whole leg to swell and hurt!

But its good to know what is wrong!

I have to go back Monday for more x-rays and treatment!


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