Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mudfest 2009

I am so excited! I just bought my new Mac computer! And this is the first video I have made and it is so much better than putting up 20 different short videos. Tell me what you think cause I enjoy going the video blogging stuff!

So get muddy and get dirty, be free and have fun!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Mud Fest!

What is Mudfest?

Great question! Mudfest is an annual event held in Boryeong, on the West Coast of Korea. It is held at Daecheon beach. The mud in that area is said to have special properties that make for healthier skin. There are lots of products made by this special mud.

In order to promote the Daecheon beach area mud, Boryeong city started a festival where they would bring in mud for people to experience for free. Somewhere along the way, some foreign teachers started to attend the festival. Apparently, foreign teachers and others in Korea love the idea of painting themselves with mud, jumping into a mud bath, and sliding down a mud slide, or taking their chances with some mud wrestling.

Before long, word got around that this is THE festival to attend for anyone here teaching or living in Korea. It is certainly a unique event that will be memorable as one of the best times you had during your stay in Korea.

Now, it could be argued that there are probably more foreigners that attend the festival than there are locals. Going to the Mudfest is almost like returning to a beach back home. Well, except that everyone is covered in mud and drinking Cass from the Buy The Way.

The Mudfest also features live entertainment, contests, fireworks, exciting nightlife, and all kinds of other surprises.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Leaving Jeju

Peace Out from The Sideways Blogger :-D

Teddy Bears

Another trip to a museum in Jeju... We went to the Teddy Bear Museum! Teddy Bears are knd of a serious thing in my family. Every new baby gets a new teddy bear!
The story of the Teddy Bear starts here...

Teddy Bear story began in a strange place - the woods of the U.S. in Nov. 1902. President Roosevelt was on a bear hunting trip, something he really enjoyed. At the end of his trip, he had not had the chance to hunt a single bear.
One of his staff members caught a bear cub and leashed it to a tree for President Roosevelt to shoot. When he saw it, he said, "It is not a sportsmanlike behavior!" He lowered his gun and ordered his associates to release the bear.
Clifford Berryman, a cartoonist for the Washington Post, drew a cartoon to accompany the story of what happened at the hunting trip. The cartoon, published on November 16, 1902, was entitled "Drawing The Line In Mississippi."

Seeing this cartoon, Rose Michtom decided to make a jointed, stuffed bear like the bear in the cartoon. She got permission from the President to call him "Teddy's Bear." Thus, Teddy Bears were born.

In the the first gallery are "Century Bears" which shows history through Teddy Bears. Also, celebrities depicted as bears!

Then we move to the Art Gallery, famous pieces of art are re-done as... You guessed it! Teddy Bears!

So grab your Teddy Bear and give it a squeeze cause they come from a long history!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jeju Carnival

Our first night in Jeju we were in an area called Topdong and walked along the board walk only to run into a carnival with rides and bumper cars!

We were on this crazy ride we called The Spinny thing... it looks like one of the ones that pins you against the wall, but no, not only does it spin it bounces! If you aren't careful you can hurt yourself on this thing!

I hope everyone's 4th was a blast!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Jeju part 3 Karaoke night

Yes we went to Jeju and ended up going to a karaoke bar, the same thing we can do in Itewon. But it didn't make it any less fun!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Jeju Vlog/Blog part 2

The Museum of Sex and Health is the largest sex museum in the world. It features the cultural differances between Korea, Japan, Pursia, China and Europe. Also features the history of love and sex, finding the erogenous zone and various sex positions.

Before I joined the Navy I was set and ready to go to The Art Institute of Pittsburg. Hence my short side note of art school. There were very interesting pieces at this museum. Paintings, sculptures and pages from the original Kama Sutra.

This is one of my favorite sculptures, simple and innocent.

This is a game that you have to take a ring and get it from one end to the other without touching the edges. We almost got it a few times but never to the grand finale!



Vlog is video blogging, I have video on my camera and I decided to give it a try during my trip to Jeju. We left from Gimpo Airport for our short jump to Jeju Island.

Sorry, I can't flip the video...

There were 5 of us all together and we started planning as soon as we landed. Admittedly we should have planned beforehand, my friend H has a way of making things sound ok on the fly.