Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So my pain medication gives me strange dreams... My first one, the first night I was on them started off with some friends and I picking grapes, washing them off and eating them.

Seems innocent enough right? Then it takes a turn for the worst. The grapes were filled with bugs, big ones... we were spitting out hairy spiders and so on... Brightly and strangely colored.

The next one wasn't bad though... a friend I haven't even thought of in a while, we were in this HUGE top of the line, primo health spa, and ran across this room full of Loufa sponges of ALL colors!

Thought how cool it would be to do this summer! Fill up buckets with water and soap and have a "Summer Snowball Fight"

Then a few nights later I had a dream about worms, giant ones... as long as I am tall! Just slithering down the street.

Hopefully they don't get worse! I may have to ask to switch meds!


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