Saturday, April 3, 2010

Home Safe!

Got home safe from our diving trip!  Here is how the day went...

- Got up round 715 this morning, and double checked all my stuff, bathing suit, towel, still camera, video camera and most importantly underwater camera case!

- Called a cab into the office and met up with the others.

- Went to Seoul Station and hopped on a 3 hour train ride to Busan.

- Made it to the Aquarium

- Went through the paperwork and instruction then suited up!

 - Got in the water and didn't get NOMed on!  But we did get to look around and keep some shark teeth!

- Got out and cleaned off, looked around the Busan Aquarium a but and headed back to the train station!

- 3 hour train ride home!  Got in about 10 tonight, had my friend believe I was bit :-)

Fun and productive day!  Just wanted to let all know I am back safely and all in one piece!

Lots of video to follow.


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