Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ode to the Married Man

I have been waiting on posting this, be prepared, its cheesey and maybe a bit stupid but I am so sick of this crap!
Married Man

Lets get something straight
I don't want to talk to you
So don't ask me for a date

So what, you were honest with me?
What about the one wearing a matching ring?
The next time I see you I'll flee

I have listened your sweet words too much
They seem too good to be true
I have believed your poisonous touch

Yes, I've made mistakes
But I know I'm better than that
And to be with me, you don't have what it takes

"Til death do us part" is what you said
To another who trusts you
So how does it feel inviting someone else to your bed?

I don't care if she doesn't understand you
In that case, do something about it!
Do whatever you have to!

I would rather be lonely than in your arms
Your eyes, lips, laugh, smell, touch
Are nothing but hurtful charms

Married man, I won't keep your secret

Please leave me alone

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