Monday, May 3, 2010


So this passed weekend we cooked out! Kabobs, Ants on a log (which I will never let men make again) Fruit salad (which I still can't bring myself to eat grapes... please refer to the blog titled Dreams for more details)

Well for most of the day I was at work (on a Sat) from noon-4, brodcasting from a live event. While I was gone the guys bought the brand new propain grill. Well 4 soldiers put their heads together and whipped this grill into shape! Along with extra parts that they couldn't find a place for! But it stood and cooked all the same.
After eating a TON of kabobs we got hungry for more and grilled up the rest. We didn't have any flashlights so the next best thing was a lamp with an extention cord.

I found this HIlarious! I must have taken 10 pictures of this rig. Cooking by Lamp Light! Love it!


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