Monday, May 3, 2010

Girl Power!

I've had the same ol' DVD player for a while and I've been thinking about upgrading...

Not only did I upgrade to Blu-Ray, I also got surround sound! All in one kit, and on SALE!

My friend Rob helped me pick out the system but non of the guys would help me set it up! Whatever, who needs a man right? So I opened the box and got to work.

There were LOTS of wires, and connectors and convertors... but I got it set up! HAHA! Girl Power!

Got everything out and hooked up, WITHOUT help! But, I was having trouble getting all the speakers working, so I had to ask for a second opinion on my set up.

Turns out that ALL the little wires were correct but 2 connectors were out of order. So its all fixed and running! The only thing that sucks about the set up in my room is that I can't set up the speakers the way they should be set up.
But overall happy with my new toy!


  1. Nice... we just need Roller Cody and some popcorn!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I just talked to him a couple days ago, he may be engaged soon!
