Saturday, August 13, 2011

Suzy Homemaker

Definition: A personification of the quintessential female American housewife.

-During the 1960's it was a brand of child-sized kitchen appliances and a doll of the same name.

Suzy Homemaker, I am not! And never will be. Sure I don't mind doing laundry (folding gets annoying though), and vaccuming takes about 5 minutes but I don't like dusting, I hate doing dishes and I LOATHE cooking! Although to my surprise I like baking... but everyday cooking, coming up with dinner every night and cooking it, yeah no... no thank you to that. I also have little to no interest to learn. I have better and more important things to do.

Believe me, if I could hire someone to take care of this crap for me I would.

Now don't get me wrong, if housework is your strong point embrace it and love it! I'm not putting you down at all just saying its not for me.



  1. "Believe me, if I could hire someone to take care of this crap for me I would."---You and I both! This post totally resonated with me. For years I've listened to friends and family whine and complain about housework and the joys that come with being a homemaker. I realize that no matter how many complaints we file, it is what it is. Nowadays, I clean when the spirit moves me. Other days, I idly sit by and watch the dust gather. :) Dropping by from the LBS!

  2. I am no Suzy Homemaker myself! I'm going to admit this out loud.... I pay someone to come in and clean a couple times a month. I would rather go without shopping, buying books, etc just to have the cleaning lady! Stopping by from the Tea Party.

  3. Thanks for stopping by ladies! I need to get on my tea party reading!
