Wednesday, May 26, 2010

3 Appointments

How lucky am I to have 3 medical appointments in 3 days!? Knock 'em all out one at a time.

1.) Physical Therapy... my first assessment, detirmining what I need work on and how to work on it. Basically we are trying to strenghen my thighs so they keep my knee caps in place!

2.) My second appointment regarding my Breast Reduction. This is to determine the proper size and shape and to brief me on surgical operations.

3.) My follow up x-rays of my broken leg (which they decided NOT to cast) its been hurting lately, been doing a lot of walking and got back in the gym. I'm going to be honest, haven't been taking my pain pills cause they give me really aweful, freaky dreams.

Yay Me!
Good luck to those of you who are as broken like me!

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