Saturday, April 3, 2010


Took a LOT of video of the submersion! Stacey and I got in the water and had to repel down a rope over the glass people look in.

This big guy is the first shark we encountered, they are Grey Nurse Sharks. Very mild, not much attitude which is a good thing.

These big fish were very curious about us! Our tour guide (the diver with the little red thing on his head) kept pushing them away and throwing bubbles at them. He was nice enough to take some video for us so I can get in there too, and one was right above me being all sneaky!

And now for the stars! The Grey Nurse Sharks! The do look bigger through the glass, but wow some of these guys are ugly! On the way out of the tank, when our walk-about was done I was awaiting my turn and I saw a shark to my right and got some more video of him, and noticed he wasn't stopping! Coming right towards me! The instructor indicated to keep my arms in and stay still and I did, and the shark turned away and I was hit with his tail! Other than that, really wasn't nervous. It was fun and worth it!

Here are some of the other sea life in the tank. Beautiful fish, the some of the sharks like to nibble on. A sting ray, SOO happy he floated on by we didn't see him at all until we were getting out! The Sea Turtles which are HUGE! But they couldn't be out while divers are in the water cause they will bite! And a Spotted Eagle Ray! Which we think he was kept separate from the tank because it is a rare animal.

Thank you to all the Busan Staff for letting us dive and shoot! You were great!

Can't wait to do this in open water!


1 comment:

  1. Very cool! I think if it were me and the shark were coming straight for me, I'd have wet myself...
