Tuesday, April 20, 2010


To put some beans out there, I have been debating a Breast Reduction for a long time. At least 4 years of serious consideration.

Well, I just had my first referral! We went over some of the problems I have been having, back pain, irritation, emotional difficulties... and on May 18 I have my first sugical consult, to determine the right size and generally how the operation will go. I could lose up to 15 pounds with just the reduction!

Speaking of weight, with my joint problems and now a broken leg I have not been allowed to do much PT-wise for the last 6 months I am embarassingly enough sitting at my heaviest weight ever. I have been given the go-ahead to ride a bike and swim! So to the pool I go!

Also starting physical therapy soon... Getting my body back into working order after all the stuff I have put it through!


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