Monday, April 12, 2010

Theme Nights

Yes, theme nights... we just had our first since re-instating this wonderous monthly event. And what was the first night?


Now, National Talk Like a Pirate Day isn't until Sept. 19th. But Pirates are just too awesome to pass up as our first Official Monthly Theme Night! We had several people asking what the occasion was and wanting pictures with us. It was a lot of fun!

We also had a plank that we signed to commemorate it the night of Pilage and Plunder!

Our next night out sometime in May (date to be released) is Zombie Night! We have already ordered the liquid latex and signable Tomb stone!

I can't tell you how wonderful my friends are out here! (everyone from Greece, don't be jealous, I still love you!) My 2 closest friends here, Rob and Matt, my boys, don't know what I would do without you!



  1. Pirate night and zombie night? Can I come work where you work?

  2. Ha, sure just move to Korea :-D We'd love to have you!
