Saturday, March 20, 2010


So I have this Teddy Bear, and he was cleverly named BearBear! Well when I was a child my dad, mom, brother and I all packed and piled in the car to visit family and friends in Florida. My mom opened the back of the car to get BearBear for me, she grabbed him by the ears and YANK! Off came his head!


Apparently there were some heavy suit cases on top of him. Head... clean off. Talk about traumatizing! My mom tells that story but never says how I reacted, and I don't remember. But he got sewn back up and the crisis was averted.

So his head stayed on for a long time after that. Then there was a small hole in the side and didn't go any further so I didn't worry about it too much.

A few weeks ago I was curled up in bed watching tv and I changed my position. BearBear makes a really great pillow and I moved him with me, grabbed him by the top of his head and POP! A stitch severed and who whole back of his neck came undone! I almost cried! I lack the sewing skills to put him back together in a quality way so I put a safety pin on him so it wouldn't get worse.

I have to find time to take him to get sewn.

Teddy Bears have been pretty important in my family, my grandma picked out BearBear, she said he spoke to her... not really, not it that crazy way... but she had the feeling I would like him. I got him for Christmas when I was 1, and other than the neck he has stayed intact for 24 years! Been to 3 other countries with me and has survived through all the things I have with me! My parents divorce, leaving my father's house, every heartbreak I endured. I have my Teddy Bear!

Sounds a little weird I know... but I'm ok with it. My mom still has her childhood stuffed animal!


1 comment:

  1. My sister found her Cabbage Patch baby in the dryer... and screamed you killed him for a very long time. It can be traumatic... even when you are "of" age.

    Get him stitched up... or send him here and I will do it.

    Love you and miss you,
