Saturday, August 27, 2011


Ok, so I am a huge fan of this whole couponing craze, I have been studying and researching the how to's and the best way to get started. I got a weekly Sunday newspaper and I'm only going to start with 1! My goal for now is to cut my grocery bill in half, and then work from there for bigger savings. I began with my coupon clippings and organizing.

Yes I was inspired by the show Extreme Couponing but thats not my only reason for going. The BF and I like to go out to eat, hang out with friends and do more fun things and don't always have the money to do it. With the BF's job change and me going to school and sending out resume's and air checks to different radio stations we could use some more spending money and some fun.

So I thought I would share the websites and book that is most helpful to me and my quest to be a smart shopper and money saver!

(And their book, Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey)



I started reading all the Beginners posts and picked my methods from there.

Happy Hunting!


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