Monday, March 14, 2011

A Tale From My Childhood

And now its time to regale you all with a tale from my teenage years...

When my friends and I were of age to learn how to drive (names have been changed to protect the innocent) Beyonce was the first one driving. Her and BAM pick me up from cheerleading practice to drive around.
So BAM hops in the back and I get into the front seat.

Beyonce starts driving and we are listening to music, talking, laughing making random turns to explore this new world we have discovered of 4 wheeled freedom.

We end up in the Cleveland Salt Mills, or whatever it's called...

And we decide we are lost... so we turn around and drive back the way we came.

Well Beyonce pulled out a little too far into the intersection so we can see which direction we want to turn.

All 3 of us turn our heads to the left and a GIANT Semi-Truck grill is rapidly getting closer and it lets out a loud

We screamed, Beyonce throws the car in reverse and the truck just missed us.

BAM is in the back seat screaming and hyperventilating into her hands, Beyonce starts crying repeating "I almost killed my best friends! OMG! I almost killed us!"
And me? I started laughing! I think it was just nerves letting go, but I didn't scream, or cry, I laughed.
I don't recall if the truck driver even tried to slow down but we were almost crushed to a grill and be a hood ornament alongside the Bulldog semi-truck logo.


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