Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Essy's First Night Home

When we brought Essy home she had just gotten spayed. And never having had a female dog before it never occurred to me that she would have the Cone of Shame on her!

Our friends that we took her from had a 3 year old girl. The BF has a small car so we took her out of her kennel and I picked her up while BF loaded the car with doggie stuff. Little Girl was petting Essy's head while her mom told her Essy was going to play at my house for a while. Little Girl started getting a bit upset, I looked at her mom and said "Quick like a band-aide!" Then we both rushed to the door and my with dog in arms got in the car and took her home.

The day before she had her surgery and was on pain meds. After roughly a half hour car ride we settled at home and she climbed into BF's lap, note the sleepy eyes.

She stayed on the new comfy chair that night, it tends to be very cold in our home so we took my Navy blanket and laid it over her. She slept through the night and had no problem adjusting to us and our home.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blonde Me

Alright, I am a brunette but everyone has their blonde moments. I decided to share a couple of my worst ones, and they happened within a week... yay me!

Blonde Me 1 - So we brought our dog Essy home on a Thursday. The previous day she was spayed so she had the Cone Of Shame on, from 7-10 days.

Every couple of days we would check her incision to see if we can take the cone off early.

Well I had class that evening and the BF came to pick me up where he sat on him Man-Chair and started clipping his fingernails. I picked up Essy and pointed her incision towards him and asked that he look at how its healing because he has the best light to see clearly. BF didn't even look up, saying "can't you see I'm busy?"

I told him it would only take 2 seconds to glance up, I put Essy down and left the room in a huff.
I used the bathroom and came out and noticed her cone was off. I smiled and said "thank you baby, that was so nice of you" then sat down with the dog to see whats on TV.

I paused, thought for a second and was confused by my thought... I walked into the kitchen where BF was makin' dinner. I asked... "was her cone off since I walked in the door?"

He didn't say a word, just gave me a look and laughed at me! He took her cone off when he got home from work! I had been so used to seeing her with it on it never occured to me what she looked like without it!

Blonde Me 2 - So I am currently taking English Composition 102 at the local college here. Our first essay was due today, a 5 page paper on a subject of our choice. I picked Therapy Dogs, and spent the last week doing research and freaking out about how the heck am I going to stretch this topic to 5 freakin' pages!

I get to class today and look around, notice everyone else's paper was double spaced... huh, was that allowed I thought? So I broke out the essay assignment sheet and sure enough, there it is "Double Spaced" awesome me!

So my teacher said I can email her a double spaced version. When I got home I put the paper in double space mode and it was 9 pages long! So I had to do some trimming.

Next time I will read the instructions closer!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So BF and I just brought home our new dog. She is 1 year, 8 months old. Her name is Essy and I am TOTALLY in love with my new baby! She is so lovable and sweet and I'm having fun working with her and training her.
Thank goodness she is food oriented because I don't think (like most dogs) she would want to train any other way.
She is said to be a Boston Terrier/Beagle mix.

This is a Boston Terrier...

And this is a Beagle...

Essy just got spayed so I am going to hold off in posting a picture of her until her cone comes off. But she is all brindle and until I looked up the pic of the Boston Terrier I didn't think that they were ever Brindle and we were thinking they were wrong on her lineage, and maybe she had some boxer or pit bull in her as well... but I guess we were wrong.
Oh well!
Live and learn!
